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SUPERTMATIK Mental Math 1 + 2

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â–¸: Cards

Join The annual SUPERTMATIK Mental Maths Competition, an online mathematics competition for students from all countries aged between 6 and 15 years. School register, click here.


SUPERTMATIK Mental Math 1 + SUPERTMATIK Mental Math 2*

Every child has to learn the times tables by the age of 10. Unfortunately, practising the times tables can be demotivating and boring for children. SUPERTMATIK is a must-have, family-friendly educational card game that promotes brain health, education and, above all, FUN!

*(with a slightly higher difficulty level than volume 1)


  • SUPERTMATIK’s unique and extremely engaging game makes children forget that they are practising their mental maths skills! Different age groups and abilities can all play together, thanks to the innovative 5-level selector.
  • 5 difficulty levels.
  • Players: 1-4.
  • English instructions.
  • Age: 6+.
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SUPERTMATIK Mental Math 1 + 2

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En diciembre de 2007 se crea la editorial EUDACTICA dedicada especialmente al desarrollo de materiales didácticos destinados a la estimulación de la agilidad mental. EUDACTICA es la representante exclusiva de la marca portuguesa SUPERTMATIK, además, la empresa concentra también su actividad en la creación de otros productos que faciliten el desarrollo cognitivo y, en la organización de campeonatos escolares, en donde la afluencia de alumnos refleja la excelencia de sus publicaciones.

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