SUPERTMATIK Mental Math educational game is a mathematical card game played in schools since 2005.
Best known as "SUPER T", this mental math game has proven to successfully engage students in grades 1 through 9 (aged between 6 and 15 years).
In 2007, EUDACTICA created The SUPERTMATIK Mental Math International Competition, a contest based in the SUPERTMATIK Mental Math game. The contest has now become a worldwide key event in the teaching of mathematics.
The central principle of this championship is for students to develop basic competence in mathematics from the beginning of their schooling through constructive play, interesting and involving them in it via a fun way of learning.
Effort, concentration, fun and fair-play.
Main stages:
Encourage all of your students to participate
Registering for the competition the SUPERTMATIK school competition is free of charge
and does not imply any purchase obligation.
Schools can opt for two models of finalist selection:
OPTION A – using SUPERTMATIK Mental Math cards
OPTION B – using the SUPERTMATIK platform
The teacher coordinating the activity is kindly asked to compile the online registration at www.supertmatik.net.
Registration is open till 31st January 2025. Following registration, students are encouraged to become familiar with the rules of the game and to practise with their peers using the APP or playing with SUPERTMATIK Mental Math cards. The competition is held within the school in order to identify the finalists who will represent the school in each category.
The Grand Online Final will take place between May 1 · May 16, 2025.
Register NOW!
Official documents
Play SUPERTMATIK (cards)
To teach your students to play SUPERTMATIK ( cards), watch the animated video.
Play SUPERTMATIK vs Robot mode
To teach your students to play SUPERTMATIK online against our robots, watch the animated video.
Play SUPERTMATIK Time Attack mode
To teach your students to play SUPERTMATIK online time attack mode, watch the animated video.
Join the thousands of schools worlwide
already using SUPERTMATIK.
Try it now
What do schools think about SUPERTMATIK?
Official stats 23/24
TOP 10 PDF | Diplomas and Certificates visit www.supetmatik.net
Diplomas and Certificates
World Medalists
Prize vouchers € and hundreds games offered
Schools registration form 24/25
Only schools, represented by a teacher coordinating the activity, will be able to register online
by filling out this electronic form.
A confirmation Email will be sent to your Email address within the nearest 48 hours.
If you cannot find it in your inbox, please check in your spam or junk mail and add our
domain (@eudactica.com) to safe senders.
Registration of home school students, home school associations and online school students,
please contact:
Key dates:
School registration: until January 31, 2025
Selection of finalists: until March 21, 2025
Online Grand Final: between May 1 and 16, 2025
Publication of results: May 20, 2025
Sending prizes to students: until May 30, 2025
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SUPERTMATIK, recommended by thousands of
teachers arround the world.
We’d love to hear what you think!
Especially committed to the development of mentally stimulating learning materials, EUDACTICA Publishing was established in December 2007. It is the exclusive promoter and representative of the Portuguese SUPERTMATIK game brand, with its main work focused on the creation of materials for cognitive development and the organisation of school championships. The high student uptake reflects the excellence of its publications.
Contributing to the improvement of the quality of education in schools and within the family is the main goal of EUDACTICA!
Feel free to contact us. We would be happy to answer your questions!
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Office Email:
Championships Email:
Telephone & WhatsApp, Office: (00351) 965 548 578
Direct Line for Championships:
966 208 191